Thursday, April 12, 2012

An Open Letter To Representative Allen West

Dear Representative West,

In light of your comments about possible Communist members in Congress, I urge you to look into another group of elected officials. I believe that roughly 65 members of Congress are openly advocating fascism. They call themselves the “Tea Party Caucus.”

This group believes that diversity of opinion, at least that which strays from its ideology, should be condemned as disloyal. It views increased diversity of culture, ethnicity, and gender as a threat to national strength. It will stop at nothing to purge opposing views and groups from the mainstream in its effort to establish an all-encompassing political hegemony.

Violence is at the heart of the Tea Party Caucus' ideology. It believes that militarism and imperialistic ventures are fundamental to forming national identity. It uses military power to promote both its ideology and its preferred economic system, unfettered capitalism. The Tea Party Caucus is fiercely anti-liberal and anti-democratic, and advocates violence against individuals who champion values contrary to its own. Its rhetoric has incited the fire bombings of women's health clinics, attacks on government agencies, and murderous plots against rival political figures. No tactic is off the table for this fascistic group. Rule of law is merely an obstacle to its obtaining power.

I'm sure that you will find the actions of the Tea Party Caucus reprehensible and contrary to the traditions of our Nation. I look forward to you shedding light on the imminent threat that this group poses to our Democracy.


Last Throes

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