Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart represented the worst in American politics. During his short time in the national spotlight, Breitbart managed to poison our country's political debate and ruin people's lives solely for his own benefit.
The self-described "reluctant culture warrior" was most famous for publishing misleading films that appealed to a mainstay of our country: racism. Breitbart published a video by conservative "filmmaker" James O'Keefe that eventually led to the collapse of Acorn, an organization that worked in underserved neighborhoods and assisted poor people and minorities. Breitbart also published a video that led to the firing of Shirley Sherrod, an African-American official from the USDA. The unifying theme of these videos was simple: race baiting. And, in the conservative media sphere, this can only garner one more support.
The self-described "reluctant culture warrior" was most famous for publishing misleading films that appealed to a mainstay of our country: racism. Breitbart published a video by conservative "filmmaker" James O'Keefe that eventually led to the collapse of Acorn, an organization that worked in underserved neighborhoods and assisted poor people and minorities. Breitbart also published a video that led to the firing of Shirley Sherrod, an African-American official from the USDA. The unifying theme of these videos was simple: race baiting. And, in the conservative media sphere, this can only garner one more support.
Which alludes to the real reason for Breitbart's provocations: His devotion was more to himself than the causes that he championed. Breitbart would say anything to cause a stir. His right-wing contrivances were simply the vehicles that allowed his star to shine the brightest.
Regardless of his motives, Breitbart's left an impact, however temporary, on American politics. In his brief window of fame, his actions created a culture of fear which prompted knee-jerk reactions by government officials in order to avoid being accused of "reverse racism." He succeeded in restricting the scope of public discussion and, in the process, bringing a dimwit version of conservatism even further into the mainstream. With his passing, American politics is a little better today.
Regardless of his motives, Breitbart's left an impact, however temporary, on American politics. In his brief window of fame, his actions created a culture of fear which prompted knee-jerk reactions by government officials in order to avoid being accused of "reverse racism." He succeeded in restricting the scope of public discussion and, in the process, bringing a dimwit version of conservatism even further into the mainstream. With his passing, American politics is a little better today.
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